We Train Leaders to Create Awesome Teams Who Love Their Company...

Work with us to increase employee happiness, productivity & engagement

True leadership is like sunshine...

Brightening and uplifting, creating a workplace where everyone shines.

Imagine a company culture where your leaders are like super head coaches, guiding your team to perform at their highest level. Together, they achieve incredible results and have a blast doing it.

Employees are motivated to play their A-game, train hard, and go the extra mile to make your organization the Super Bowl champion in the industry.

Building awesome, productive teams starts with great leadership!

Would you like to increase productivity, happiness, and engagement in your company?

Let’s meet!


signature shamayah

Shamayah Sarrucco

Founder of Leadership Mastery

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Leadership Strategy

We design and deliver an integrative strategy that enhances leadership on all levels.

Developing Leaders

Companies we work with see immediate improvement and have measurable results.

Debug Technology

Finding the root cause of the problem is critical to define and execute the correct solution.

Happiness Activation

Motivated employees & executives who maximize their potential make your company prosper.

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leadership development programs
american society for training and development logo

“Companies that Invested an Average of $1,595 per Employee in Training Experienced     24% Higher Gross Profit Margins and 218% Higher Income per Employee.”

global leadership forecast logo

“Only 14% of CEOs Have the Leadership Talent to Execute their Strategy.”

We bring results…

Our Cutting-Edge Leadership Programs Increase Productivity, Happiness and Engagement

leadership development programs


Happy Clients

headshot carmen
Carmen Muntean AB Hardwood Flooring, IL, US

There’s more happiness & laughter. Sales increased 25% in the last year and we continue to expand. Sick leave is significantly reduced.

michael posner
Michael Posner Huntington, NJ, US

Working with Leadership Mastery was a real game changer! Consulting with Shamayah shifted my focus, resulting in less stress and more happiness.

headshot julia
Dr. Julia Ward MD Balanced Body, TX, US

We had reached a plateau, but thanks to the consulting and staff training, new doors opened for us. As a result, wewere able to triple our investment.

    Companies We’ve Worked With

    hogeschool van amsterdam
    celebrity medical center
    apollo safety

    Ready to Improve Your Company’s Leadership Performance?

    Let’s meet and explore the impact our leadership consulting can have on your        corporate culture for a workplace that’s not just productive but thriving!

    We love taking on challenges from executive stress and burnout to mental health issues, high sick leave, disengaged employees, and the high turnover of promising young leaders. 

    By adding a sprinkle of happiness, we boost productivity, teamwork, fun, and good vibes for measurable results. Building awesome, productive teams starts with great leaders.

    How to Get Started

    number 1


    Our meeting is 100% focused on you to discover how to overcome your leadership challenges in a way that  ensures  ROI.

    number 2

    Get a clear plan

    We design the leadership strategy to attract, upskill and develop leaders who maximize their team’s potential and bring results.

    number 3

    Make the shift

    The result of working together: Effective leaders who are skilled & empowered to successfully drive your company forward.

    Knowledge Center

    Valuable Blog Posts